Customs Officers and their greed is driving up the cost of living, but we’ll get back to those pests in a bit.
Every day it seems that life in Trinidad is getting harder and harder. There’re murders, gender violence, and the perpetual fear that, at anytime, the price of doubles and KFC could go up. Right now the only thing harder than living in T & T is trying to swallow a fingernail or seeing Colm Imbert on TV.
Recently the prime minister took some heat for saying that that T&T lacks the infrastructure and discipline to work from home, which is true when you consider the systems in place at Licensing; NIB and Customs.
And, Mr Prime Minister, Sir, always punch up; never ever punch down, ask any comedian, that is a Special Branch you avoid.
Then there’s Customs Officers, corruption, and their greed for overtime which inflates the price of every commodity that enters our country.
Recently, the Acting Commissioner of Police recommended lie-detector tests for Customs Officers as the majority of illegal guns entering the country is through legal ports. I have a suggestion. These lie detector tests should include electric shocks.
Can you imagine customs officers under interrogation?
“How do you feel about your boss?”
“Who’s that?”
“Colm Imbert.”
“I love him.”
“Shock him.”