I hope this message helps someone interested in health and wellness. To put things into perspective I weighed close to 250 pounds in January 2024. Back then I was suffering aches and pains. There were a series of visits to the doctor. One day a medical test required a 24 hour fast, and I was blown away by how great I felt after the fast. Having two young children and an unfulfilled desire of seeing my abs for at least once in my life, I committed seriously to losing weight. Without knowing why I gave myself a target of hitting 210 pounds by the middle of November.

It’s October 2024. I’m down to 208. Still no abs. But I feel good; and, for some strange reason, a lot of the aches and pains I suffered have either subsided or disappeared. I’m no fitness coach, but I’ll share what I do when it comes to food and exercise. As you read, please note that I was always mindful to start small and gradually increase.
Walking. In February 2024 I aimed to walk 15 minutes at least three times per week. Once I hit the road I usually ended up walking for more than 15 minutes. At first I walked on afternoons but I felt like I was losing time with my family so I switched to mornings. I was hitting the road by 0530. In one hour I would clock 7,000 steps or 6 KM, back home by the time the children were rising to start their day. On Saturdays, if I woke early enough, I went for a long walk somewhere in Trinidad, met a lot of new people, saw a lot of interesting things, even dodged a bottle in Couva. By August I was walking with weights in a bag, sometimes six pounds, sometimes fifteen. Fast forward to October. As you’ve read I’ve hit a couple of my goals but life and responsibility has gotten in the way so I don’t have time to go for walks. Fortunately I’m working on projects around the house that involve walking so I usually hit 8,0000 to 12,000 steps daily. If I was just getting started, full of zeal and motivation, I’d aim for 3,000 steps to 5,000 steps from a dedicated walking routine, not fast, just walking and gaping, gradually increasing to 7,000 steps. Throughout the day from other activities like walking to kitchen for snacks I’d probably hit 10,000 steps.
Strength training. I have weights at home but I joined a gym. I’m just one of those people who don’t stick to working out at home. I aim to go to the gym at least 3 times a week. I usually make it 5 times, from Monday to Friday. Based on my routine I’m in and out in forty five minutes to an hour. I don’t lift HEAVY. I lift heavy enough for me. I usually skip squats on leg day because of an injury I suffered in my twenties; I was lifting HEAVY. I ignore the cardio machines… for now. My goal is consistency. In the last week I’ve taken a sudden interest in stretching because of something I read: “a body under tension requires more energy to move”.
Nutrition. I love hamburgers and chocolate. At first I paid little attention to diets and nutrition. Gradually I lessened processed snacks and soft drinks then quit. Then I quit alcohol. Thinking about quitting was harder than actually quitting. It’s not that I’ve quit drinking, it’s that right now I’m on a mission and if I have soft drinks and alcohol I usually eat junk and can’t stop eating junk. By June 2024 I had eliminated flour from my diet (I know, I know: roti is life) and was having minimal rice. I’m into sweet potatoes and cassava, and I love dasheen although I disliked dasheen as a child. If I’m having provisions with a meal I aim for 4 to 6 ounces. Black coffee sucks but I drink black coffee or green tea with honey.
I’m not rigid. In July when we vacationed I let go and eat whatever I wanted but continued walking and strength training. Interestingly I lost weight. In August when we returned home I returned with more zest to eat clean. I experimented with intermittent fasting, gradually climbing to 20 hours of fasting with a 4 hour eating window. Eating between noon and 4 o’clock suits me and for the most part I ate whatever the heck I wanted but somehow I ate “clean” for the most part. During the fasting window I didn’t miss food and contrary to what I thought, my energy levels never tanked, not even in the gym. In fact I made small gains!
Fast forward to October 2024. Over the last week I’m trying a little experiment that hopefully lasts until Christmas Eve. I’m eating whenever I want but not whatever I want (without trying my last meal is usually at six in the evening). Here’s the catch. I’m focusing on foods like fruits, vegetables, almonds, cashews, eggs, rice, grilled chicken and grilled fish, zero alcohol, no sugar except of course my wife cooks stewed chicken. Right now I’m motivated to go until Christmas Eve although Diwali is just around the corner and roti is life. Honestly I’m amazed and a little bit perplexed at how good I feel. I don’t miss anything in particular, I look forward to fruits, vegetables, the gym, I feel more alert, more at peace with myself. As I said I’m down to 208 pounds. But still: no abs.